It all started a few days ago when I spotted the Faith Hope and Charity Shopping fabulous 2012 Jubilee Special swap on my blog roll, my mind wandered and for the first time I felt compelled to write a comment. I wanted to join in, I really wanted to get involved. So I emailed Lakota- when I heard that I had been chosen to be in the swap, I was delighted, and not only that I have a fantastic swap partner Scarlett from scarlett loves elvis blog. Scarlett has the most amazing retro, kitsch up cycle blog, with great style and story's.
The second thing happened a few days ago. My Daughter asked me to sew a fabric bag for our beautiful cat Poppy first birthday- to put all her presents in. Out come the the sewing fisherman's box and my box of fabric, when I spied this lovely British fabric I brought last year. I love the British landmark icons on the material and think they would make lovely buttons or badges.
Then I was inspired to sew DD a hair clip holder, using some beautiful vintage rose fabric and a candy pink ribbon. I filled the pouch with dried lavender and stuffing and using an old recyclable red button to hold it all together.
We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.
-Mark Strand
Happy Blogging everyone!